
Showing posts from March, 2015

Red blooming tree

Spring is here in all its beauty and there are a lot of blooming everywhere.  I love especially this red blooming tree in my neighborhood - its huge beautiful flowers grow before its leaves, which emphasizes even stronger the bright splashes of red on the bare tree branches. Here are three quick sketches of the same tree I did during the month. The last one done a few days ago, when only few red flowers left on my tree :( Luckily, I have my sketches. And I can wait until the next spring ;)

Some last illustrations

This is the illustration I did for the last issue of children magazine "Einayim".  I did in a bit different technique - gouache background and pencil lines, combined together in Photoshop. But I think that my favorite technique in illustration is still watercolor&watercolor pencils - technique I use a lot in on-location sketches as well. Lately I got for the first time to illustrate the gate for the magazine. It was the "leadership" issue and I was asked to illustrate a bunch of leaders from Israel and the world ;)

Eat & Draw - sketchrawl in Aurore's yard

Sketchcrawl at Aurore's beautiful yard at Jaffa, including food and drinks everybody brought along was a big success. It was so pleasant to start the morning with eating and drinking (and chatting, of course) that I barely was needed to sketch ;) Anyway, we should do it from time to time, here are some sketches that I succeed to manage.

We want change!

Last Saturday I went together with more ~50.000 people to the Rabin Square - central square of Tel Aviv, to take a part in the demonstration calling for the change of the government in Israel. There were amazing energies of hope and will for a better future, hope we'll have here new government in a one week!

Can you draw me?

Last week I finally managed to visit my friend's Aurore new studio at Old Jaffa. As usual, sketching together was one of our plans, so we sat down at the Kikar Kedumim square, which was filled by bright rays of the end of the February sun.  I tried out my new oil pastels: And did this very quick watercolor sketch of the opposite side of the square: Groups of tourists were constantly filling and leaving the square: Japanese, Indian, European Christian... One of the groups that came there was a group of local Arab pupils - they approached us and started with the usual questions: What are you drawing? Why? Who's paying you? When it became clear to them that we're doing it for free and for fun, one the boys asked me to draw him. Of course I agreed, and after I finished, he asked me to sketch one of the girls ( the most beautiful, with the pink scarf). I think they both were happy with the results and they wrote their names in Arabic and Hebrew.  I love interac